The world is in a wobble. It is taking a lot of focus to not go into a spin myself at times. I am so grateful I have the plant kingdom to interact with in the wobble times. It does sort me out and keep me focused.
I traveled to Virginia last weekend for some family celebrations. There is some pronounced wobbling energy there, so near to Washington D.C. Bear Stearns was going into collapse mode and people were feeling some of that undercurrent I am sure.
Perhaps it is a reflection of my own internal wobble as I traverse the shift from inward winter solitude back to interacting with the outside world.
The land in that area near the Blue Ridge is so curvatious, gentle, and flowing. It is the polar opposite of some of the personalities that I often encounter there. I am stunned at times of visiting at the level of busyness, the loudness, and harshness of the voices that speak to me, always about themselves, along with blaming of others behavior, little awareness of their own. Rarely, am I asked how I am doing or what am I doing, nor do I get an opening to say much of anything. It is the energy of straining to be heard. They live in a pressurised environment I know, but it does jolt my system. In North Carolina most people do ask how you are and even expect an answer. (This was a revelation to me when I moved down here).
I study the reflection carefully and ponder my own gut reactions and lack of sensitivity towards others in stressful times. “What is the mirror trying to show me?” I ask. How much does former environmental conditioning affect me here? I welcome coming home to a gentler southern grace. But I have been surfing the wobble for a month now. I was only up there for 4 days.
Not that the whole trip was loud and wobbly, but it was definately the background theme.I am always enriched by spending time with my daughters. They are remarkable, funny, & intelligent and are currently grounded, they have a great sensitivity to others, even though they are surrounded by drama and uncertainty in a busy and overextended culture. They both have a wonderful presence with children.
It is always a magical time with my granddaughter. She has sailed through her first full year on the planet beautifully. She is totally engaging, easily entertaining herself and others. It is clear she understands everything we say. She is not afraid of large dogs. We play well together. My baby sparkles and shines! She wore a pink tiara for her birthday.
My daughter tells me that when I left her house to return home the tiny girl padded right over to the window, her little hand waving ‘Bye Nama’ to watch Finn & I leave. I feel my heart crack wide open....I am so grateful she has another 'Nama' so close by her, to fill the gaps while her parents work.
I took the scenic ride home through Nelson and Augusta counties, just as the Red Maples were budding, giving the entire landscape a reddish glow.
When things feel odd for a period of time I will often check into the astrology of the season, it often serves as a reality check that maybe I don't need to take the world so personally. This month it seems things are changing/shifting daily. There is much to do and little time to process much of anything.
I often go to this Robert Wilkinson for the overall grand plan and front page was this article: Coping with the Grand Irrationality by Robert Wilkinson.
I had been feeling this energy for a while and though I am recieving no direct hits as far as I can tell, it does acknowledge that those of us that are sensitive the energy of mass conciousness pick up on it big time. I begin to feel as though I am a square peg squeezing to fit into a round hole.
It is a long article and very technical. I will put into italics the phrases from this article that gave me a few Aha's.
The first was this...
We are learning how to greet the forward edge of our future "destiny" by how we're greeting the weirdness of the NOW
These paragraphs explain much...........
During March and April 2008, we'll find an "ordeal" is ending, helping us "gather our medicine" and find spiritual nourishment. This period will open new potentials and help us expand in ways that demonstrate our "success in meeting the challenge of a new order." We can codify new values, so hold yourself to your highest standards.
Early March showed Mercury and Venus conjunct Neptune triggering the Grand Irrationality, and Sun conjunct Uranus. Late March shows Sun square Pluto then semisquare Neptune, and Mercury and Venus conjunct Uranus. Early April Mercury and Venus will square Pluto and semisquare Neptune before they move into the Aries zone of the Grand Irrationality, tracking the Sun in the same zone.
As you will note, the Sun triggers the Grand Irrationality 7 times a year. Obviously this also applies to Mercury and Venus. These periods get fairly wired and edgy, and people are stranger than usual, making crucial decisions whether they realize it or not.
It's the obsessive-compulsive factors in people that make these times most difficult, since things make less sense than usual, which makes almost no sense at all. Expect things to get more than a little strange every time the Grand Irrationality stimulated.
We are all swirling in it!
The upside of all that is..... style="family: verdana;color:#666666;" >Though things will be strange and cosmic due to the Grand Irrationality being triggered by the Moon 7 times each month, these forks in the road of our destiny will help us get in shape, claim some power, and show us how we've been given and will be given "rewards from Spirit. "Frictional aspects from planets to Pluto are showing us elements of our unique song, narrowing our focus to enlarge our vision, and helping us revise our ideas through the nurturing power of whatever Wisdom-form we were given this year.
Frictional aspects to Neptune are helping us find courage to move into unknown areas as well as ritual forms of connecting with a more powerful life force, and showing us which way the winds of destiny are blowing.
Frictional aspects to Uranus are helping us verify our knowledge through interactions, giving us a vision of things to come that require us to use foresight and understand cycles, all leading us to a form of cultural excellence. Be a pioneer, show self-control, concentrate, and throw off the chains in your mind that keep you powerless. Let go of obsessive or compulsive feelings and people, and purify however you need to, becoming the "captain of your own fate."
Oh, and then there is more on Pluto
Pluto's nature is "economy of energy," and it tends to make our lives more efficient through annihilating obsolete life factors. Banish the corrupt, corrosive, or dishonest elements in your life, and regenerate the seeds of power in the houses it influences in your charts.
The end result if we pay attention may be this:
The great wheel has turned, so continue to show appreciation and gratitude for the freedom you're glimpsing, as these seeds will prove to be potent stimulators for years to come. Definitely get inspired, since there's a lot of work to be done now that we've glimpsed the light of the heart of the Galaxy!
Here is another less detailed article on the Grand Irrationality from the Mountain Astrologer that is easier to assimilate and track.
I love getting clarity on these things. It reminds me to forgive myself and others often, and to dance with the fairies under the light of the full moon.
1 comment:
I had a real time editing this post. I am not an html expert and am too tired to fix these things now. I really need to go hang out in the moonlight. Muddle through if you can. And thanks for reading this, I think it is some big stuff~
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