This property, aptly named 'Conscious Sedation' will be one of the homes on tour this weekend.
This is the entrance to the recently remodeled home.
I love this wee floral basket on the front entrance steps.
A better view of the front steps.
Planters on new lattice....I need to prune that branch that is blocking the 3rd Planter...Friday, before the tour!
This bench is a relic of the R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company. It will accommodate visitors waiting on the shuttle into town.
This is how we decided to cover the electrical meter box on the wall. The folks attending the tour will see this as they enter the patio area. We lugged the Pressed Tin Screen from my basement ....up the steps...., The pot of impatiens is from my front porch as well. Staging for an event....So fun!
The moss lawn is so lovely.....
Again, how to cover the electrical meter???
Not so bad on the fly and working with what is on hand....
I won't even elaborate on what it has taken to keep the deer from munching 3 of the properties on this garden tour. After Friday, the four legged woodland grazers can have at it. A Thousand Thanks to the deer diva's and rain nymphs, it is all so lush and beautiful.
If you are in town this Friday, come and explore the magical gardens and homes in Blowing Rock, NC.
Beautiful garden and love the name. So what's the secret to keeping the deer at bay?
There you go conducting energy through your fingertips while making this earth more beautiful. Thanks for posting the pictures my friend.
Beautiful job, Andy - much success!
Beautiful job, Andy - much success!
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