Besides, I was sneezing and coughing so much that any attempt at a stoke with a brush could be sidelined by a sneeze.

The seed catalogues are coming in daily. The photographs are so enticing. I thought I would see how they looked in watercolor. The bean pods were very fun. Though I would like to do more of this type of botanical on bigger sheets of paper so I can get more details on the ribs, seeds and flowers.

While visiting my daughter over the holidays I saw that she had framed a painting I did of my tomatoes and peppers a few years ago. I thought, wow, I could do that so much better now, I have learned so much in the meantime.
When I came home I painted a Costoluto Genovese tomato from the catalogue, the same tomato growing in my garden when I did my first tomato painting. I doodled these in my moleskin notebook during the worst of the body aches and fevered exhaustion. This batch is much improved over my first for sure. I have more colors to play with now as well, like Opera, Mineral violet, and Poppy, which I did not discover until this year.
The benefits of being sick for a week was all the sleeping and dreaming I got to do. Yesterday morning, while in the dream state, I was was hanging out with angels, working on a painting in the studio. I was consulting with one of them about the next step, the angel suggested another layer or two of turquoise on a portion of the painting to enhance the change in values. I had a feeling in my dream of awe, that angels would be actively working with me on my elementary attempts at self taught art. I thought, Oh! I am finally hanging out with angels.
This is really amazing.
I woke up with a Wow feeling. I do get seasonal dreams often near the solstice and equinox, this was definitely one of them...laying out the next phase for the journey. I get the feeling that what ever I end up doing this year, it will be inspired.
I also got the message about the 'Change in Values' as the planet Pluto begins to transit my 2nd house....of things we value......yes, angels, I caught that.....a thousand thanks for the heads up.
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